Anyone here ever hear of the Treaty of Granada of 1491 signed after the Catholics took back Granada in 1491....a treaty which guaranteed religious freedom to the inhabitants of Granada even allowing for Christians who converted to Islam to remain Muslim. Whenever we hear the expulsion of Jews and Muslims of Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella it seems we do not hear about the revolts of which Spanish Jews and Muslims joined together against the Catholic monarchy of Ferdinand and Isabella.
Now certainly the Spanish inquisition had its faults and is comparable to the elements of non Christian societies of the time. What I am trying to decipher is how intolerant(if it is even appropriate to use this term) were Ferdinand and Isabella considering the time period, considering freedom of religion was initially granted to the newly reconquered Granada. It would have been nice if Jews, Muslim and Christians under Ferdinand and Isabella could have gotten along I would have welcomed that. I would truly want to get to the bottom of this issue and any information wrt the actions of Jews and Muslims of Granada in the months and years following 1491 would be appreciated. I have heard from prominent and respected members of this board that indeed a # of Spanish Jews and Muslims worked together to counter the reconquista of Spain.
Popular imagination perhaps would have us believe that Ferdinand and Isabella were bad people who always had it out for the Jews and Muslims of Spain...yet perhaps what some are not aware of are the large scale rebellions against Catholic rule in Granada post no such similarity exists in modern day USA or Uk there are not large scale Muslim rebellions or Communist uprisings today in these countries like their was facing Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. I ask folks here what would Israel, Pakistan , India and the USA for example do today wrt dealing with a large scale uprising????? There is no comparing the modern day handful of Muslim attacks in the UK, USA , or the Communist attacks and uprisings against the so called west of the more modern times to a full scale rebellion where thousands of people are rebelling against the government which is what Ferdinand and Isabella faced wrt the Granada uprising. Now it would have been nice of none of the Jews or Muslims were expelled from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella, it perhaps would have not have to occurred if there was no revolt against the Catholic crown...That said even with the revolt perhaps there could have been a more Christian response to those Jews and Muslims attempting to take over Granada even though a treaty was signed and seemingly the Jews and Muslims broke the treaty which is also shown by Video Production Studio... At this point the issue wrt Ferdinand and Isabella seems to be a overly tough reaction to the revolt...but certainly the Catholics had to do something to protect their homeland against the revolt....they could not have just allowed their enemies to take over.