So then tonite I get on, going to run some normal dungeons. I sit in the DPS queue for 40 minutes as usual - and when I get into this dungeon run, everything starts off fine. We get to the first boss though, and suddenly the other 3 in my party start suffering lag problems I guess. They all got disconnected, only the tank came back on within 10 minutes. Okay well let's try to cobble this run together.. I tried to boot one of the offliners so we could replace them, but the guy who came back on said to wait longer. Another 5 minutes go by, times a wasting. Its just fine for this other guy, he's a tank - his queues are instant. Whatever, vote abandon maybe? I'd at least like to requeue for something.. NOPE! "No vote abandon, they'll be back on soon!" Another 5 minutes goes by the normal grind most are familiar with. Anyways, we got two green-leafers that refused to advance to the next floor. When we asked them what they were doing, they said we shouldn't be rushing them, and therefore decided they wouldn't continue. After waiting another 5-ish minutes, we got impatient and booted one of them. We could not however, boot the other one - because now we had incurred "4 hour cooldown" from initiating boots IT Security Animated Video