Society > Social > Social ClassTop Five Exercises you can do at home Posted by tobiasyoung in Society on June 1st Lawrence Taylor Giants Jersey , 2018
Exercising is an essential element and key to leading a healthy and disease-free life. It helps you burn the fat in your body which in turn help in metabolism. Science has also proven the fact that exercising improves neuroplasticity which aids brain function and memory power. Tobias Young, an established online fitness trainer in USA recommends dedicating at least 30 minutes of your everyday time to physical workout. With the advent of superfast internet technology, it’s easier than ever to get hire online fitness trainers to help you in your training who are not only experienced but also cheaper than traditional gym trainers.
Here are the top five exercises you can do at home by checking out the online fitness training course videos:
1. Bodyweight Squats
Squats are considered the foundation of lower-body exercises. All you have to do is go down on a sitting position without actually sitting on something. While it may seem like a child’s play and something we do almost everyday Darian Thompson Giants Jersey , it’s nevertheless a very important exercise which even professional atheletes and celebrities undergo to get in shape. It determines your lower body muscular health and how well you walk, lunge, or jump.
2. Push Ups
Push up or press ups are probably the easiest exercise you can do at home in your free time. It’s also the mostly widely known exercise which perhaps everybody in thier life time have tried at least once. In its most basic sense Wayne Gallman Giants Jersey , it involves pushing against the floor upright and then raising and lowering the body by using your arms. It puts pressure on pectoral muscles, triceps, and the midsection as whole which helps in reducing body fat and buffing up your chest and arm muscles. Fitness trainers recommend starting at a total of 50 push ups to begin with and then increase the number.
3. Walking Lunges
Walking lunge is one of those workouts which not only you can perform at ease but also offers excellent benefits to your entire lower leg muscles like glutes Landon Collins Giants Jersey , hamstrings, quads, hip flexors etc. It is extremely popular among women who’d like to tone thier hip and butt. To perform a walking lunge Ereck Flowers Giants Jersey , you stand right up and take controlled steps forward with one leg, lowering your hip before returning to your current position. Then you do it with other leg and the cycle repeats.
4. Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell row (one-arm) is another good exercise you can do at home if you fulfill one prerequisite with is a dumbbell. To perform this exercise, you get a flat bench and put dumbbell on both side of it. Then you put your right hand on the bench bending your torso forward and then lifting the dumbbell with your left hand in proper manner. Follow the same steps by flipping the sides by placing your left hand and lifting by right hand.
5. Jumping Jacks
It’s a fun calisthenic workout you can do anywhere and anytime. It gets your heart rate up which burns fat Sterling Shepard Giants Jersey , improves blood circulation and metabolism. To do this, you start by standing straight with bend in knees and hands resting on your thighs. Then open your legs and arms out by keeping the knees bent until the arms come till the head height and legs wider than shoulder. This resembles a dance sequence and hence is fun to do.
However caution must be taken to not overdo this which may cause muscles tears. This may put you off for few days till the pain goes away and your muscles get repaired. Hence consulting with an online fitness trainers before beginning your home exercise journey is highly recommended.
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