You’ve saved your money over the years and have finally put yourself in a position where you can now afford to purchase the car you’ve always dreamed about. This is a special purchase. Although you are purchasing the car of your dreams James Milner Jersey , this $80,000 vehicle will not be your day to day ride. This car will serve as your joyride vehicle, so to speak. Since you will only be driving this expensive car on certain occasions during the summer months (who joyrides in the winter?) Dejan Lovren Jersey , you will certainly need to have a reliable and effective vehicle storage strategy. The purpose of this article is to alert you, the reader, to the various types of vehicle storage strategies so you can determine which strategy fits your vehicle or vehicle storage is probably the safest and most effective vehicle storage strategy. The most common form of indoor vehicle storage comes in the form of garage storage. Simply out Georginio Wijnaldum Jersey , you store your prized possession in your garage or the garage of a friend, neighbor, or family member. This strategy probably offers the most security and is also the most common of the vehicle storage methods. However Virgil van Dijk Jersey , in the unlikely event that you do not have your own garage nor can you borrow someone else’s garage for a few months, you can find storage facilities in your local area that can and will provide what is usually affordable vehicle storage areas. The best providers of these services will usually offer some sort of indoor vehicle storage services. Most vehicle storage providers will also usually provide engine starting services for free although some may charge a small fee. Regardless of whether it is free or not, you should always ensure that engine starting services are included. This will almost always save you money in the long run since the vehicle will be ready to roll almost immediately once the beautiful summer months and associated cruising weather rolls most important this to do while preparing your vehicle for storage is to clean it inside and out. Be sure to wash and wax the vehicle on a dry Fabinho Jersey , sunny day prior to putting into vehicle storage for the winter. Cleaning the underbody is usually overlooked by most people but is critical! Dirt and debris left anywhere on the car will retain moisture. Moisture, as you probably already know, causes ugly and always damaging rust. This is obviously not a good thing so be sure your car is thoroughly cleaned prior to putting it into vehicle storage. Otherwise Nathaniel Clyne Jersey , you could be in for a rude awakening when it comes time to take it out of storage!Cleaning the car thoroughly inside is just as important as cleaning the outside of it. Be sure there are no crumbs or wrappers left in the car. Leaving such bits of food and such behind can have to pretty ugly consequences. You may notice when you take your car out of vehicle storage that these crumbs and such have grown mold and that is just terrible. The other negative effect this can have is the attraction and introduction of rodents such as mice and rats. You really do not want to take your car out of storage only to find you have a family of rodents living in it! Prevent this from happening by cleaning the inside of your car thoroughly before putting it into vehicle ring the internal components do no rust while your vehicle is in storage is also critical. Removing the spark plugs and adding a bit of oil to the cylinder will usually prevent the pistons, the cylinder walls, and the valves from rusting. Regular motor oil will work for this task but I strongly recommend fogging oil from a marine supply store or automotive supply store in your area. Once you’ve added the oil Alisson Becker Jersey , turn the engine by hand a few times to make sure the oil you’ve added coats everything important. You will then want to add so anti-seize to your spark plugs before you reinstall them. You should also always ensure you have a full tank of gas before putting your car into vehicle storage for an extended period of time. This reduces the amount of condensation that develops in your fuel but not least, you should always disconnect the battery completely. You should always disconnect the negati