If going green still seems a bit of a chore, you can always start by getting more energy efficient. Energy efficiency is all about doing the right thing, and finding practical ways to reduce your energy consumption. Today, using less energy not only helps fight the effects of global warming, but it can also help you to reduce your bills.? Here is our top 10 energy saving ideas:
1.????? Heating - Turning your thermostat down by 1 Authentic Joel Edmundson Jersey , and having Central Heating Maintenance carried out could save you up to 10% off your heating bill.
2.????? Lighting - Low energy light bulbs last up to 15 times longer than traditional bulbs and use 80% less electricity.
3.????? Cooking - Remember to cover saucepans with lids to ensure the heat is kept in. You may also find you don't need the heat as high with the lid on.
4.????? Appliances - Don?t leave the television on standby as this wastes energy.
5.????? Bathing - Take a shower instead of a bath, and ensuring you have the correct Boiler Care carried out. An ordinary shower will use a third of the hot water needed for a bath.
6.????? Cavity Wall - Installing cavity wall insulation could save you up to £235* a year.
7.????? Loft Insulation - Up to 25% of heat is lost through your roof. Save as much as £90* a year by insulating your loft to 25cm*
8.????? Washing Machines - An energy efficient washing machine could use up to 33% less energy a year.
9.????? Fridges - An A-rated fridge-freezer is more energy efficient than other fridge-freezers.
10. Dishwashing - A new energy efficient dishwasher uses 60% of the energy of a typical old one.
Bonus tip:? Finding a cheaper Electricity Supplier would help too.
*The cost savings shown are approximate, are provided for illustrative purposes only and are based on a gas heated semi-detached house with three bedrooms. Savings assume a gas price of 2.57pkWh with gas consumption, of 31,700 units per annum (prior to installing the insulation measures). Individual savings may vary depending on type Authentic Carl Gunnarsson Jersey , age, main heating fuel of your home or if you choose to take increased warmth following installation of the measures.
Green energy is derived from clean renewable sources such as solar, wind, water and waste which do not generate greenhouse gas emissions.
>Small-Business Server Supports Telecommuters
Posted by nick_niesen on October 28th, 2010
More Americans are showing they can get their jobs done from just about anywhere outside the office. And as some businesses expand in size and geographic scope Authentic Vladimir Tarasenko Jersey , they are finding new technology to help employees who telecommute.
About 45 million Americans are working from home, according to a survey conducted by ITAC, a telework advisory group. The survey also found that out of 135.4 million workers, 20.6 million conducted work in their car and 16.3 million worked while on vacation.
By installing a server with Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Small Business Server 2003 software on it, businesses can store all of its documents Authentic Jaden Schwartz Jersey , e-mail messages, calendars and images in one location. Additionally, employees can remotely access all company documents as well as programs and data on their desktop - from anywhere in the world. With a server, mobile devices such as Smartphones and Personal Digital Assistants also can connect users to e-mail, scheduling software and other programs as though they were working at their desks.
A small-business server can help increase a company's productivity and efficiency by allowing a specialized computer to perform services and run software for other computers Ryan O'Reilly Jersey , or "clients," on its network.
For the millions of Americans who need to work when away from their office, Windows Small Business Server 2003 offers a solution that includes Remote Web Workplace. This application allows employees to access anything on their work desktop from any PC in the world that has Internet access.
Many employees who work in a business without a server can't be very productive. They're also unable to back up their data or prevent unauthorized users from accessing their computers, all common problems small businesses experience that server software can prevent. Later this year, Microsoft plans to launch a new release David Perron Jersey , Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2, which will include even more advanced security features.
The ITAC survey also found that during the past year, the number of employee telecommuters increased by 30 percent. As this trend continues, so will the need for integrated solutions such as small-business servers.
Whether or not their employees telecommute, companies are realizing the benefits of using small-business servers to streamline processes and decrease costs.
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