Dementia Treatment Options After Early Detection Health Articles | October 28 Cheap Lions Hoodie , 2011 A diagnosis of dementia does not have to mean an automatic spiral into Alzheimer's disorder or even a certain death. Patients who are diagnosed with early cognitive losses can live a long life with pr...
A diagnosis of dementia does not have to mean an automatic spiral into Alzheimer's disorder or even a certain death. Patients who are diagnosed with early cognitive losses can live a long life with proper dementia treatment and many can go decades between the first stage and the second stage of this disorder.
Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses multiple types of conditions that can include early cognitive memory loss and Alzheimer's disorder. It is considered a progressive disorder because patients generally go through three predictable stages with each stage being more aggressive than the last.
The goal of dementia treatment is not to affect a cure since there currently isn't a cure, but there is hope and early intervention can help a patient with planning ahead for a time when they can no longer care for themselves. Early treatment and diagnosis can also assist with delaying the onset of the next stage of the disorder and maintain as much quality of life as possible for the affected patient. It's important to remember that there are options that have proven to be successful in delaying the progression and increasing the quality of life for the affected patient.
Some forms of treatment can be done at home by the caregiver to include playing music during meals and baths, maintaining a light exercise regime to include walking and scheduled bathroom use time with assistance and encouragement. These modes of treatment have been shown to be successful in patients and help them remain cognitive and aware longer than patients who receive no treatment.
Although there is no actual treatment for this progressive disorder there are dementia treatment options for many of the symptoms that are displayed with dementia including depression Customized Lions Jerseys , anxiety which do respond well to medication and improve the quality of the patient's life.
Other medications and treatment options that have been successful include the use of Cholinesterase and vitamin E. Given together this inhibitor and vitamin mixture have been shown to improve cognitive functions including memory loss.
Treatment is about more than medication though. It is also about ensuring the wishes of the patient are carried out and planning ahead for a future in which the affected person may not be able to communicate their wishes anymore.
The first step for any dementia treatment plan includes a complete physical exam including lab work and a possible MRI to diagnose your options. A physical can also find undiagnosed and potentially underlying medical problems that can exasperate cognitive disorders, including vitamin deficiencies or a thyroid condition.
It's also an important part of dementia treatment to educate and support caregivers so they understand the three stages of cognitive memory losses and will be prepared to work effectively with their patients to provide the proper support as they progress through the disorder.
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