Abstract The paper contains the discussion about the major strategies applied in storing data and information in the cloud computing. The article gives an outline of the security strategies applied in ensuring that data and information are secure in the cloud. The document gives an overview of the IT risks and attacks that the cloud computing technology face. Finally nike air max 97 scontate rosa , the paper gives the best practices adopted to ensure that the data and information stored in cloud maintain data confidentiality, integrity nike air max 97 scontate silver , and the accessibility.
Introduction The issue of bug data, as well as the new technology involving the data warehousing and data mining nike air max 97 scontate bambino , has influenced the business enterprises to venture into the new strategies of securing and storing data and information. The increase of the business operations and transactions has led to the advancement in the computing and technology. The need for the better and improved data recovery and the business continuity has led to the businesses opting to use the off-site data and repository information space. The cloud computing technology refers to a virtual technology that applies the VMware programming technology to facilitate effectively and the efficient data and information backing up. The cloud computing backup storage supports the client-server model architecture to provide the services to subscribed clients at a remote location through the network connections. The Strategies Applied In Implementing Secure Cloud Computing The cloud computing technology applies the International Organization Standards (ISO) to provide standardized and secure services to the subscribed clients (Kanamori, & Yen nike air max 97 scontate donne , 2015). The IT policies and the ethical issues practiced by the cloud computing service providers guarantee data and information security. The cloud computing service providers implement the rights and freedom to the data and information confidentiality and privacy. The data confidentiality and privacy ensure that the subscribed client鈥檚 rights and freedom to privacy and confidentiality do not get bleached. The cloud computing service providers offer the assurance that personal data cannot get shared to the third party without the client consent. The cloud computing service providers ensure that they apply the necessary measure to prevent the data and information from any breach that interfere with data and information confidentiality, integrity and the accessibility. The data within the cloud has high security from the attacks that lead to losing of data nike air max 97 scontate uomo , deletion of data or corrupting of the file. The main approaches to data and information security are ensuring that the data and information stored has total protection from the catastrophic attacks and the artificial attacks. The information stored in the cloud has security against the natural disasters like a whirlwind, the floods; the hail storms the thunder and lightning. The data and information also have security against the natural disasters which includes the human errors and mistakes nike air max 97 scontate , the outbreak of fire, theft and the burglary crimes. The IT Risks that Affect Cloud Computing The data and the threats that affect the cloud computing include the infection by the malware programs like the viruses scarpe nike air max 97 nere scontate , worms, and the Trojan horses. The malware programs affect the data and information stored in the cloud repository center by altering the way data and information appears. The malware destroys the original format of files corrupting the files such that they cannot get read. The malware also deletes the data and information making the data unavailable or inaccessible. The worst effect of the malware programs is causing the Denial of Services (DOS) to the client鈥檚 remote side. The DOS attack makes the clients fail to access the remote server that contains the files they want to access (Chaka nike air max 97 nere uomo scontate , 2015) The solution to the malware attacks and risks is the installation of the active and up to date antivirus software on the server machines and the client workstations. The cloud computing service providers face challenges of the attacks resulting from the hackers. The hackers break into the system through different methodologies including the writing of the codes as well as the implementing of dictionary attacks. The hackers unauthorized users who gain access to the computer system without permission from the relevant authorities. The hackers modify data, delete data and add some information to data thus breaching the confidentiality principle of data and information. The hackers attempt to access the system through the use of the social engineering techniques. The legitimate users of the system acquire enticement tricks that lead to sharing of crucial information like the password /]Cheap NFL Jerseys China[/url] Wholesale NFL Jerseys China