I must have heard this hundreds of times over the years: "It's not what you know Germain Ifedi Jersey , it's who you know."
And while there may an element of truth to this, it seems like a damn fine excuse for anyone who isn't born into the right social circle...
"It's not my fault I can't get ahead. I just don't have the right contacts"
"John is so lucky. But he did have the contacts, after all Tedric Thompson Jersey , didn't he"
"What do you expect? I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth"
... of course, there are a million different 'excuse variations', but they all have one thing in common.
They hold you back.
Don't get me wrong. Some people do get luckier than others. For instance Amara Darboh Jersey , I know someone who was handed a business from a family member... got free rent for months... and had dozens upon dozens of pre-qualified clients sent his way.
No prospecting... no hard knocks... just hang out your shingle and you're on your way.
But most of us don't have it quite that easy.
You and I have to hustle. You and I have to work hard. You and I have to put in the hours to get ahead. You and I have to think hard on a daily basis.
But you and I should not EVER fall into the victim thinking that we can't succeed because we're not in the right social circle.
There is another way.
I call it the "What you know determines who you know" philosophy.
And it's worked for me.
Here's what I mean: the contacts you make are determined by what you know.
For instance, as a copywriter, I now have many well known friends and acquaintances in the direct marketing circle.
And the reason we make time for each other is because we both know something which can help each other out.
But the truth is "If I didn't know anything about direct response marketing Nazair Jones Jersey , I wouldn't have that relationship with them."
If all I wanted to do was call up and chat with them about nothing or TAKE... TAKE... TAKE... and not give anything in return, obviously they wouldn't return my calls and the relationship would not be there.
And when you consider there are six degrees of separation between you and anyone else on the planet, once you have a handful of contacts Delano Hill Jersey , it's not hard to get in touch with virtually anyone... if you really set your mind to it.
And that's why WHAT you know determines WHO you know.
But I'm not just talking so much about university education that everyone else knows. I am also referring to getting information nobody else knows. I am talking about being able to add so much value to other people that they want to keep you in their "inner circle" of contacts.
Because we're all busy. And successful people are even busier. Therefore if you want to know them and get all of the advantages of being in the "inner circle" you need to know stuff other people don't know.
Stuff which you can find at this web site (or this one ) which not 1 in 100 business owners truly understands.
Anyway, this is an important point we all must keep in mind for the rest of our lives:
What we know determines who we know.
Print it out and tape it up on the wall next to your computer for a month if you want to ensure you don't forget it.Get A Book About Working Of Prayers Online Posted by lukachan on September 18th, 2016
As we know Shaquill Griffin Jersey , every religion is characterized by prayers which are performed in a unique way in each one of them to showcase it to the world. Any type of prayer is completely dependent on the conscious of the person who is praying which can be good, bad, positive or negative. Many of us pray with a goal in mind while some others pray without any specific goal. When you are praying with a predefined goal or aim which can be good or bad Ethan Pocic Jersey , it highlights your selfishness and ego. On the other hand, goal-less prayers are such where you submit to God and ask Him to do whatever is best for you. So, it becomes more important to carry out the research of consciousness and prayer of the human beings to see if these prayers are not meant to harm someone.
Religion and science have a longstanding love-hate relationship as both of them try to outsmart each other in their own way. However Malik McDowell Jersey , if they are mixed together, there can be a new concept of understanding spiritual world and that is what Spindrift researchers have exactly done. People at Spindrift developed scientific tests to study the good and bad motivations and effects of the prayers by giving spiritual experiences and religious languages some scientific terms and performing experiments without walking on eggshells. As a result, such scientific tests have created a chaos when people’s thoughts and prayers were tested on plants and random numbers in the form of a pattern.
All of the scientific experiments based on prayers are presented in the form of a book which contain persecutions and triumphs of the two primary spiritual healers who started Spindrift research. By reading this book Shaquem Griffin Jersey , you can know about micro effects of prayer which will help you to find a way to analyze the true motives and agendas in a prayer. Also, you will learn who among you is best suited to hold a religious office and how other people’s prayers might affect you in a good or evil manner if they are directed towards you.
So, if you are thinking to acquire a book about working of prayers Rashaad Penny Jersey , you can visit the website of Spindrift research and order a copy of that book which can help you to bridge the gap between science and spirit. After studying the book, you will know how prayers can prove to be a blessing for you or bring you greatest of sorrow.