From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters and sitcoms at [188 stages of the Hero's Journey you need to know about...]
The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact Cheap Iman Marshall Jersey , ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.
Hero's Capabilities: Schindler ingratiating himself with senior Nazi officers.
Antagonism: the German soldiers in Poland; degrading the Jews; thrown out of their houses; they'll shoot them if they take off their armbands.
Meeting the Mentor : Schindler looking for Itzhak Stern.
Call to Adventure Pushing the Mentor into the Journey: Schindler tries to persuade Stern to help him build the company.
Refusal : Stern is sure he doesn't know anyone who would be interested.
Meeting Allies: meeting the Jewish traders in the church.
Antagonism Developed: the Jews have to enter the ghetto.
Devolved Hero: Schindler doesn't mind occupying the Jewish house; the owner pushed to the Ghetto.
Meeting the Shape Shifter: the Jew who works for the Germans.
Mentor provides a Magical Gift: Stern introduces the men with the money to buy the company.
Polarization between Hero and Mentor: Stern won't accept a drink.
Journey to the First Threshold: getting the factory organised; Schindler won't hire the more expensive Poles; Stern convinces his people that it is a good pace to work.
Overcoming foreboding and warnings of the First Threshold: life will be easier and safer in the factory; they make out they are essential workers.
Getting Past Threshold Guardians Developing the Mentor: Stern helps people get into the factory; Stern convinces the administrators to issue the work permits.
The World of the First Threshold: the forging of pots and pans; training the workers.
Developing the Hero: Schindler prefers pretty typists.
Celebrating entry into the First Threshold : the group photos.
First Threshold Conflict: bribing the Nazi officials to purchase the factory goods; getting the orders.
Meeting Allies Hero and Mentor Polarization: Schindler tries to thank Stern; Stern confused by Schindler and hesitant to share a drink.
Pulled to the Physical Separation: the machinist wants to thank Schindler.
Resisting the Physical Separation: Schindler confronts Stern; he is not in this business to save lives; "did you happen to notice that that man had one arm?"
Consciously agreeing to the Journey Unbearable Antagonism: the one armed man is shot; "he was a metal press worker Baltimore Ravens Jerseys For Sale , quite skilled."
Developing Characters and Relationships: Schindler persuades the train guards to help him get Stern out of the train Ravens Jerseys For Sale , "I think I can guarantee you that you will both be in southern Russia within the week."
Developing the Antagonism: all the people in the train are going to their deaths; the piled up possessions; the gold teeth.
Developing Characters and Relationships: the people in the Jewish quarter debate their situation. Foreshadow of the Physical Separation: "the ghetto is liberty?"
Meeting the Antagonist: Goeth arrives.
Symbol of the Antagonism and Transformation: meeting Helen Hirsch.
Developing the Antagonist: Goeth shoots the engineer.
Hero and Antagonist Polarization: both Goeth and Schindler shaving.
Physical Separation: the Ghetto is eradicated; Schindler watches from above.
Developing the Antagonist: Goeth randomly shoots people.
Hero and Antagonist battle: Schindler gets Goeth to release his Jews; "I would be very grateful."
Foreshadow of the Transformation: Stern is working for Goeth.
Pushed to the Transformation: Schindler cannot get Stern out of the camp.
Developing the Antagonist: Goeth tries to shoot the hinge maker.
Transformation Trial 1: Schindler gives Stern a lighter to bribe the hinge maker onto the list; the list begins.
Transformation Trial 2: Schindler gives Stern a cigarette case to bribe the boy onto the list.
Resistance to Transformation Trial 3: The girl dresses up and begs for the life of her parents.
Meeting the Oracle: Stern convinces Schindler that Goeth enjoys killing.
Transformation Trial 3: Schindler gives a watch to save the parents.
Journey to the Sword: Schindler talks to Helen Hirsch in the basement.
Threshold Guardian to the Sword: Schindler convinces Goeth that forgiveness is power.
Seizing the Sword: Goeth stops killing. But changes his mind and shoots the boy.
Developing the Antagonist: Helen Hirsch files Goeth's nails.
Foreshadow of the Rebirth: the marriage; the workers give Schindler a present; Schindler kisses the Jewish girl.
Developing the Antagonist: Goeth cannot touch and beats Helen Hirsch.
Foreshadow of the Atonement: The Jews discuss the gas chamber in their bunkers.
Foreshadow of the Atonement: The children are taken; the Germans initiate the Final Solution.
Foreshadow of the Rebirth: Schindler waters the trains.
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